Modern Slavery Act Statement
Our Statement on Modern Slavery
HASA OPTIX Modern Slavery Act Statement 2024
HASA OPTIX Belgium (‘HASA OPTIX’) is a Belgian designer, manufacturer, and supplier of ophthalmic surgical instruments. HASA OPTIX sells through its distributors, employs 7 employees, and operates worldwide.
HASA OPTIX is registered in Brussels, Belgium. It has no subsidiaries and only works with manufacturing and distributing partners in Europe, North America, Asia, the Middle East, and Oceania.
Our Supply Chain
HASA OPTIX considers its entire supply chain in relation to potential risks of modern slavery. To mitigate those risks, HASA OPTIX has enacted policies and procedures to detect and avoid incidences of modern slavery in our operations.
Commitment to Our Values
The HASA OPTIX Modern Slavery Act Statement reflects our commitment to acting ethically throughout all our operations and relationships. HASA OPTIX continuously aims to implement and enforce effective systems and regulations in order to ensure the absence of modern slavery within our business or wider chain of operations.
HASA OPTIX expects all our suppliers to share this commitment to labour standards, human rights, and ethical conduct. HASA OPTIX also requires that our suppliers conduct their employment practices in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
Active Processes for Combating Modern Slavery
HASA OPTIX has a supplier approval process to aid minimising risk when procuring goods and services. HASA OPTIX and its quality and regulatory assurance professionals conduct regular audits of our suppliers and other relevant third parties in order to address and avoid modern slavery practices.
When applicable, HASA OPTIX requires its suppliers to sign the HASA OPTIX Supplier Code of Conduct, which includes commitments to acceptable standards of conduct toward workers.
In the case that a supplier does not adhere to these requirements, or is acting in breach of HASA OPTIX’s Modern Slavery Act Statement or other relevant processes, the relationship with the supplier will be investigated and terminated, if appropriate.
Additionally, HASA OPTIX has an active confidential whistleblowing policy, which allows our employees and third parties to report any suspicions of slavery within our operations. Any such reports will promptly be investigated, and may lead to the termination of the relationship.
15 July 2024