FAQs – Recyclable Ophthalmic Instruments
Frequently Asked Questions
Are HASA OPTIX instruments really single-use?
Yes, all of our instruments are strictly single-use.
Can I re-sterilise HASA OPTIX instruments?
No, it is prohibited to re-sterilise HASA OPTIX instruments.
Can I reuse HASA OPTIX instruments?
No, it is prohibited to reuse single-use instruments.
What are the main advantages of working with single-use instruments?
Single-use instruments ensure consistent quality, simplified logistics in the OR, and lower risk of infection.
What is the value proposition of HASA OPTIX?
Our instrument solutions provide a vast number of benefits. These include cost reductions, minimised infection risks, reduced stress levels, uninterrupted surgeries, improved staff retention rates, streamlined inventory management, and enhanced quality of care.
Our solutions also ensure the availability of suitable instruments for every surgery, sustainability practices, and favourable accreditation outcomes.
Where can I buy HASA OPTIX instruments?
Contact us at info@hasaoptix.com or check out our Global Locations on the Contact page.
How many instruments are there in a box?
Individual instruments are available in a box of 10 pieces. Customised sets are available in a box of 10 sets.
What are the instruments made of?
Our instruments are made of 100% stainless steel, ensuring constant quality and making them 100% recyclable.
What is the shelf life of HASA OPTIX instruments?
Unopened boxes can be stored up to 3 years before use. See the label for the expiry date.
Can I make my own instrument set?
All sets can be customisable. You can buy pre-packed pouches or make your own sets.
Didn’t find an answer to your question? Email us at info@hasaoptix.com or check our Contact page.

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